Monday, April 17, 2017

Chapstick in a Jar

Since 7th grade, I have been a Blistex junkie.  I couldn't go ANYWHERE without it in my pocket.  My jeans even were faded from where I had it.  It was bad.  Needless to say, there have been studies done that prove addictive chemicals are added into chapstick to made it so addictive. 

Once I delved into the Holistic world, this was the first thing I wanted to make.  I got onto Pinterest and found some recipes.  They were ok, but not fabulous.  Then, my sister gave me some and it was FABULOUS! And it's only 3 ingredients!

To make, you will first need to get some empty chapstick containers.  I got mine on Amazon and they were cheap and nice.  You will also need 1/4 cup coconut oil, 1 Tablespoon and 1 teaspoon beeswax, your choice of essential oil, a large Mason jar, aluminum foil, a pot, and water.

Aluminum foil for Chapstick!?  Let me explain.....

When I first made chapstick, I'd spill most of it pouring it out of my large glass bowl used for my double boiler.  Then, I found a magical way to make chapstick.

Take some aluminum foil and fold into long pieces.  Add to the bottom of a pot and add a few inches of water.  Place your large Mason jar on the aluminum foil and bring the water to a boil.  Add the coconut oil and beeswax inside the Mason jar.  The aluminum foil acts as a barrier so the oil and wax does not burn.  Once the water is heated, it will melt the oil and beeswax. 

Once melted, remove from the pot and add 20 drops of your favorite Essential Oil.  I have used Peppermint and just recently used Eucalyptus and I love them both!  After the Essential Oils have been added, stir and then pour directly into the empty chapstick container. 

After cooled, add caps and enjoy! Makes about 13 tubes!

Thursday, April 13, 2017

Body Butter Recipe

I was listening to my favorite Essential Oils Podcast and they shared a Body Butter recipe.  I was really wanting to make a moisturizer and everyone I had made so far, I have hated.  Well, this Body Butter recipe is the BEST!

If DIY-ing is scary to you, take a deep breath, and give it a try! If you find easy recipes, get a few items to use, and materials, you can make just about anything!! I have the following materials and have made a lot of stuff with them:
  • Beeswax
  • Shea Butter
  • Cocoa Butter
  • Coconut Oil
  • A variety of other carrier oils (Sweet Almond, Jojoba, etc.)
To make the Body Butter, you will take 1/4 cup coconut oil, 1/4 cup sweet almond oil, 1/4 shea butter, and 1/4 cup cocoa butter and add to a double boiler. I use a glass bowl over a pan halfway filled with water.  Melt all of those then remove from heat.

I allow to cool about an hour then put it in the refrigerator.   This allows it to cool quicker.  If it was winter, I would have stuck it outside.  Around 2-3 hours later, take it out, mix around with a spatula and then add about 10-20 drops of your favorite Essential Oil.  I chose Peace and Calming because it's my favorite!

Then, use a hand mixer and whip away!!  Whip until stiff peaks.  And....viola!  You've made Body Butter!