Wednesday, December 14, 2016

| | Pause | |

We live in such a busy, hustle, bustle world that we often forget to PAUSE.

Especially when people are rushing and on time restraints, pausing can be such a foreign thing.  Our lives can be mechanic or routine like, but we have to remember to take a moment (or many) to PAUSE.

Something happened last night that really got me thinking of this idea of PAUSE.  I was at a red light and I heard the sirens of an ambulance.  The light turned green and I expected other cars to rush through and go.  But no.....we all paused a few moments for the ambulance to pass.  And the most amazing part was after the ambulance passed, the cars in the front still paused.  I was pretty shocked.  We all know there are a-holes out there who would run the light to avoid having to wait just a few moments.  But no one did.  Maybe it was the silent prayer people often do for when ambulances pass or they were too busy looking at their phones. 

Then, last night we got our first snow.  Now for anyone who lives in an area where you receive snow, you know how magical the first snow is.  I took the garbage out and just stood there and listened and looked to my environment.  I could hear the thick, wet snow hitting the ground.  It was so fulfilling to just PAUSE for a moment and enjoy my surroundings.

So I want to challenge least once a day PAUSE.....  Put your phone down, don't worry about what you have to do, shut everyone out for just a moment to PAUSE.  Take some deep breaths, meditate, look at your surroundings, or smile.

Life is too short to let it pass so quickly.  We can't rewind our lives or fast forward, but we can PAUSE.
