Thursday, November 20, 2014

Om ॐ

My journey begins with Yoga.  I had done some Yoga videos at home and enjoyed it for an after work-out stretch.  I had always been interested in going to a class, but am very socially awkward about trying new things by myself.  In February 2014, my BFF Kori was down visiting one day and suggested we go to a Yoga class.  I knew of a studio right next to my school, BlissBlissBliss, and checked the website for a class.  We ended up going to a Restorative Yoga class, which was nice, but rather slow. 

I decided to ask a co-worker to go with me, since she had been there before.  She suggested a Hot Yoga class with a great instructor, Melita.  I wasn't crazy about being hot and doing Yoga, but gave it a shot. 

After the first session, I was hooked!  I loved it because no matter your ability or level, you can do everything!  There is always a modification, whether it is something easier or harder.  It would be a learning process, but I wanted to be involved.  And whoa what a workout!  My legs were killing me the next day!  #nopainnogain

I attended classes once a week, while continuing my normal exercise routines.  I was loving the flexibility and mind-body awareness. 

I began with a setting a goal and practiced to achieve that goal almost daily.  I decided on Crow pose - which is also known as crane pose or Bakasana - and is usually the first arm balance learned by Yoga students. Crow pose strengthens the arms, wrists and abdominal muscles in addition to stretching the upper back and opening the groins.  By May, I mastered it!

However, I took 5 months off of Yoga (!) and have lost it, but will continue working on it.  Life happened in the summer, and then school happened.  I know I shouldn't make excuses...But I will get my Crow back!

So with Crow flying away from me, as well as my Yoga classes, I decided to work on my headstands.  I have been able to do them, by rely heavily on the wall for support.  I have been praticing EVERY day (#yogaeverydamnday) and have mastered it without a wall!!! 

I am back on the Yoga class band wagon and very inspired by my sister who is not only getting her 200 hour Yoga certificate, but also attending a SUP Yoga Training.  (If only I was as brave as her and got my certificate...)

1 comment:

  1. Hey now....I started yoga in college and have been practicing off and on since then. We even had Sunday yoga at Crossfit 😄
