Friday, November 28, 2014

**Elderberry Syrup**

I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving!  Now that winter has set in in the East Coast, I wanted to share about Elderberry Syrup. 

My favorite Yoga Instructor/Herbologist Melita posted a WoNdErFuL holistic medicine for boasting your immune system during our nasty cold season.  I immediately went to our co-op to buy the ingredients and made it.  I had a nasty sinus infection, which my essential oils helped cure (blog about those coming soon....) but I still had a cough. 

I made it and took some every hour for a half day.  The next day, I felt great!  I continue to take it each day in the morning as a precaution, and not to mention it tastes great!  As a teacher, I come in contact with about 2,856,491 germs a day, so the least sick I am the better!

Here is the recipe.  I hope you enjoy it as much as I do!  And let's hope for a sick-free winter season! 

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