Monday, January 12, 2015

Thieves Essential Oil Blend- My FAVORITE!

The first oil I wanted to talk about is the Thieves blend.  It is my all-time favorite! 

Before I start the Thieves talk, here is a little background information.  My husband is very sensitive to smell and is a big skeptic.  When I ordered the kit, I was nervous about diffusing.  I had purchased a diffuser earlier last year for my classroom and diffused Patchouli (A gift from the parent of the boy with behavior issues that I blogged about in Essential Oils 101.) in our basement.  My husband came home and hated it!!  To his defense, Patchouli is a very strong scent.  The next day, I diffused Lemon and he hated that too.  I thought, "Oh crap!  I just bought 11 oils and a diffuser.  WTH did I get myself into!?"  So a few days after receiving my kit, I diffused Thieves and he LOVED  it!  This isn't the only reason I love it, but just one of the few...

So what is Thieves? 
Thieves is an essential oil blend of clove, lemon, cinnamon bark, eucalyptus radiata, and rosemary.  It is an anti-viral, antiseptic, and anti-infectious essential oils. 

What's with the name? 
One reason that I love the Thieves blend is because of its history.  According to my "Essential Oils Pocket Reference" book, here is the Thieves history.  "It was created from research based on legend about a group of 15th-century thieves who rubbed oils on themselves to avoid contracting the plague while they robbed the bodies of the dead and dying.  When apprehended, the thieves were forced to tell what their secret was and disclose the formula of the herbs, spices, and oils they used to protect themselves in exchange for more lenient punishment."  How cool is that!?  There have also been studies done that after diffusing Thieves, it reduced the bacteria in the air.
How I use Thieves...
I diffuse Thieves Every. Single. Night!  Since my husband likes the scent and it is great for keeping those germs away, I diffuse nightly. 
I also apply to the bottoms of my feet mixed with a carrier oil (fractionated coconut oil) whenever there is a lot of sickness going around or I feel like I am coming down with something.  And luckily (knock on wood...), I haven't gotten this nasty flu that has been going around.  I would love to diffuse in my classroom because of all its wonderful powers, but am nervous because it is a blend and I do not know if any students would have a reaction to it.  However, I really would like to try since there is so much nastiness going around. 

My enroller Arsy gave my a Thieves hand spray to replace hand sanitizers that are packed with alcohol and dry out your hands.  I LOVE using it not only on my hands, but on the shopping cart at Wal-Mart, because you know those are naaaasty!

Thieves also has a line of cleaning products that I would like to use in the future, but with Arsy's hand spray, it inspired me to make my own foaming hand soap.  I followed a recipe on Pinterest and am loving using it! 
I also use the Thieves toothpaste and dental floss from Young Living and LOVE it!  It is a natural toothpaste, which takes some getting used to as that it doesn't suds that much.  But once you get used to it, it is great!!  I just love the taste of it and all the beneficial factors! 
So there is my Thieves talk.  I love, love, love, love, love this blend!!  It is especially great when our society has been so avoidance of germs.  But some germs are good for you!  And hey, if it was used and successful back in the 15th-century, shouldn't we still be using it!?
xoxo ~K

*These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to diagnose, treat, prevent or cure any disease.

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